Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Week of 30 March - 3 April 2020

Yesterday was my first day out of the house in two weeks. OMG it was glorious! What did I do? I went to the post office. I dropped off a mug I picked up in Disneyland to a friend (social distancing observed) with a bit of a convo there. I went grocery shopping - that was an experience! No TP. No flour (except in the Organic section, so there's a hack for ya maybe). Limits on soup (?!) and granola bars (!?) and bread. Then I hit the cold beer & wine store for fortifications, and back to the post office before heading home. 3 hours round trip. 

And tomorrow, I'll need to go out and get milk, so I'm going out again for a bit if I can. I mean, I'm still working (10 minutes on, 50 off), tutoring the kids for their work, and making sure they hit their zoom meetings/lessons. So it's not like I'm swanning about or anything.

But it sure is great to go out if I need to. Even if the weather is shitty.

I hope you're all taking care, staying home unless you're out for bare necessities, and keeping busy. I'm an only child and a latchkey kid from GenX, so this is something I've been good at for a very long time. It's okay. It'll get easier. One day at a time.


The Wolf 
has a new sign-in for the Wolf Pack. You only sign in once and you're good to go after that, no more putting in all the info.

They have the Rock Request Lunch for a $25 g/c to Smitty's.

They've brought back Marshall's Music Mess on Tuesday's morning show. I think.

Win a $100 to Ricky's on the last Friday of the month in the midday show. Enter online here.

The Wave has also updated their prize winning info.

You could win a gift card to Ricky's on the last Friday of every month. Enter here for a $100 g/c. Maybe.

Listen to the 5 at 5 on the afternoon show to win a $25 g/c to Ricky's. Also, listen for the fun fact of the day and you could get a $25 g/c to Minnoz Restaurant. Maybe. It's not showing so who knows.

Coast has no contests running right now.

All Day

Morning Show

102.3 The Wave - Morning Buzz Rewind?
106.9 The Wolf - Marshall's Music Mess (Tuesdays only)?

Midday Show

102.3 The Wave - Retro Lunch - pizza from La Carciofi?
106.9 The Wolf - Retro Lunch - g/c to Smitty's?

Afternoon Show

102.3 The Wave - Ricky's 5 at 5?
102.3 The Wave - Fun Facts $25 g/c?

Evening Show

Daily Schedule

1200 - 1300 - 102.3 The Wave Retro Lunch - pizza
1700 - 102.3 The Wave - Ricky's 5 at 5?


Juice has Fearless Female Friday. You can nominate your fearless female and on Friday they may get chosen during the midday show and win a cool price. Nominate her here.

Nominate someone from the community for a Radio Hug. They will win a $25 g/c to Just Jakes. Nominate that person here.

Daily Schedule

0720 - Nearly Impossible Question?
1500 - 1600 - Common Thread?



Listen at 7:20 on the morning show for the 5 in 10 to win... something...?

On afternoons listen to Bailey to find out What's Trending. Then, on Monday's afternoon show you can win $100 to the Waddling Dog.


March's Ocean 25th Birthday prize is a $600 g/c to spend at 10 Acres restaurant! Enter online here.

Grand in Your Hand isn't showing anymore, but I'll listen Monday just in case. Win a Grand in your Hand by texting the code word to 555-555 (which means you're competing against all the other radio stations in NS, ONT, MAN, AB, and BC also playing this game) at 8, 11, 2, and 5. You have 15 minutes to qualify. I'll do my best to listen and put it up on Facebook and Twitter for you to, with the cut-off time. It may be a long shot, but hey, you can't win if you don't play!

The morning show has Famous last Lines to win cool prizes.

Play Amalgamation on Friday mornings to win bragging rights.

JACK only has a landing page where you can listen to them. I'll keep checking to see if they ever put up a contest page, but so far... no joy. Apparently they do have on-air contests, but they don't put them online.

Apparently they were doing Grand in Your Hand too, but I don't know if it's still going on this week.

The Zone 

The morning zone has Pol and Jenny this week. No contests at all. No shows means no tickets to win I guess. 

The midday zone has something but it's not online yet.

The afternoon zone has something but it's not online yet.

The evening zone has nothing showing.

The app has $200 cash for you to win.

The Q has old stuff showing. The website update person must be working from home without a work computer...

This week on Money in a Minute and on the Polka Monster you can win God knows what because there's NOTHING showing on the contest page. FFS.

Enter here to win your kid to be a Junior Sportscaster for the Shamrocks!  Or maybe not because things are all cancelled right?!

On the app starting next week, you could win Bachman Cummings tix for the July concert (if it's still happening).

CFAX - Nothing. Not. A. Thing.

All Day

Morning Show

98.5 Ocean - Famous Last Lines?

Midday Show

Afternoon Show

107.3 Virgin - What's Trending

Evening Show 

Daily Schedule

0715 - Money in a Minute - Cash and ?
0720 - 107.3 Virgin - 5 in 10 - ?
0800 - 98.5 Ocean - Grand in Your Hand code word?
0815 - 100.3 The Q - Polka Monster - ?
0815 - 91.3 The Zone - Dylan Vs The World Trivia - Mug
1100 - 98.5 Ocean - Grand in Your Hand code word
1400 - 98.5 Ocean - Grand in Your Hand code word
1700 - 98.5 Ocean - Grand in Your Hand code word

Keep your ears open and I'll try to do the same.

Happy winning!

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