Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Week of 11-15 February, 2019

Well well well! Quite a week of surprises we've had! Friday, besides the snow, we were introduced to a new station in Victoria - VIRGIN VICTORIA, aka the old KOOL FM! So, no longer is Kool the station, but it's now a Virgin station. Now we get to compete against even MORE people for contests! Wheeee....?

Remember, I won't be updating next week's contests on the Sunday. Next new post you'll see form me will be on the 24th. I'm going to Waikiki and laying in the sun for seven glorious days. That's not true - I have something planned for every day of our trip, BUT, each day will include 'lay on the beach' time. This will be my 5th time on Oahu, my husband's 18th I think, and our kids' first. We're looking forward to having a great time, soaking up some warmth, and doing all the things.

And that snow had better be OFF THE ROADS so we can get to the airport, goddamnit!

But... that's Saturday. Let's see what else is new in the zoo for THIS week.


The Wolf has Smitty's has a $25 g/c to Smitty's during the lunch hour. 

The Wave has winning weekends for an oil change. That's it so far. Maybe something new tomorrow.

Coast has brought back the Coast Coffee Break. Think of a creative reason why your crew should win, enter here, and get free stuff!

All Day

Morning Show

102.3 The Wave - Morning Buzz Rewind?

Midday Show

Afternoon Show

Evening Show

Daily Schedule

1200 - 1300 - 102.3 The Wave Retro Lunch $25 g/c to BP?
1700 - 102.3 The Wave - Ricky's 5 at 5?


Juice wants to give you a pizza party - deets here.

Daily Schedule

0720 - Nearly Impossible Question?
1500 - 1600 - Common Thread?


Virgin's contest page is giving me nothing at all.

Ocean - Every Wednesday morning, win entry to win the Rogue on the Speed Trap.

Enter here for a Victoria Royals 5 pack.

Win lunch at the Sushi Bar at the Oak Bay Beach Hotel for you and your office mates when you enter online here.

Enter here for the Best Seats in the House at a Royals Game.

Go here and compete against the world to win two tix to see Bryan Adams in Liverpool. 

Nominate your work place to win some cupcakes here.

Upload a photo of you and your bff to win tix for dinner and a Golden Girls show at the Mac. Do that here.

Go here to enter to win Carmina Burana tix.

KiSS - Enter against everyone else in the world to win a trip to see Loud Luxury in Las Vegas. Listen at 8, 12, 4, and 8 for the keyword and then text it to 555-555 to enter. I'll try to listen but can't promise I will catch it. If you do, please share on the Facebook page for the rest of us. And grab it Saturday and Sunday at 2 and 4pm.

Wheel of Winning is on the morning show.

Go here to win registration in the Victoria Goddess Run.

They have tix to the Royals 18th game, 19th, game and 24th Game. Go here to enter to win them.

The Zone - The morning zone has your chance to win a mug (if you win) on Dylan Vs The World and this "Random Act of Burger" where someone during the morning show will win a $25 g/c to Big Wheel Burger. They have last week's info up on the site, so I'll update tomorrow.

The midday zone has something.

The afternoon zone has something.

The evening zone has nothing.

If you're a Zoner, you can go online to enter your favourite teacher as Teacher of the Month or tix to Vampire Weekend.

The Q - This week on the morning show, when you play "Rotten Tomatoes" at 7:15, you'll win Royals tix. They also have BTBO to Paul McCartney with Ryan and Heather. When you hear a McCartney, Beatles, or Wing's tune, be caller 100 to instantly win.

"Say the Word" has tix to Rugby Canada Senior Men's 15s.

The midday show has a prize pack from Victoria Beer Week and an entry into the grand prize on Friday for a pair of Master Passes. Win this with Beer or Bogus at 9:40 when Scott tells you the name of a beer he's either made up or not. Text him with BEER or BOGUS with your first and last name if you're correct you're in the draw to win the prize pack just before 2.

The afternoon show has Sunfest tix - the daily prize is a pair of tix to the Thursday night kickoff and the grand prize entry for VIP tix and hotel accommodation for Sunfest in Duncan at the CVI. ONLY til Thursday tho!

The evening and late shows have Royals tix and a chance for A Night of Bowie tix

Enter your child to be the Rocks JrSportscaster here. Enter here for a BC Ferries Vacation Getaway to The River Rock in Richmond. Enter to win Rugby Canada tix on the app.

CFAX - Win a hockey getaway to see the Canucks. There are 4 different games to go see. Qualifiers announced Tuesday and Thursday mornings who will also win a $75 g/c to Glenwood meats. Enter online here to get your name in the draw.

Win tix to the Philosopher Kings. Listen for your chance to text to 107010 throughout the week.

All Day

1070 CFAX - Philosopher Kings tix

Morning Show

98.5 Ocean - Speed Trap (WEDNESDAY only)
1070 CFAX - Hockey Giveaway (TUESDAY & THURSDAY only)
91.3 The Zone - Random Act of Burger

100.3 The Q - BTBO Paul McCartney

Midday Show

Afternoon Show     

100.3 The Q - Sunfest tix and grand prize entry

Evening Show 

100.3 The Q - Royals tix
100.3 The Q - A Night of Bowie tix

Daily Schedule

0715 - 100.3 The Q - Rotten Tomatoes - Royals tix
0730 - 107.3 Virgin - Morning Games - $50 to Big Wheel Burger?
0815 - 100.3 The Q - Say the Word - Rugby tix
0820 - 91.3 The Zone - Dylan Vs The World Trivia - Mug & Royals tix

0940 - 100.3 The Q - Beer or Bogus beer name

Keep your ears open and I'll try to do the same.

Happy winning!

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