Thursday, August 6, 2015

Friday, 7 August 2015

I love visiting friends and going away for a vacation. My husband was done with it all as of yesterday morning. We got home after hitting Ikea (for me) and Cabela's (for him) and everyone is dog tired. But not so tired as to not set up the small Ikea purchases ;) The big ones are my job tomorrow, after my out-of-the-house errands. Along with laundry, cleaning the house, etc, etc. Our neighbours were awesome and watered our plants and fed the cat. Who, by the way, is REALLY mad at me and hasn't come home to cuddle. He's pretty filthy though, so I'm not too crushed about it.

But soon, all the chores will be done and the new furniture set up and the kids' disco ball lamp plugged in and it'll be time for me to go to see Jann Arden! I'll do my best to get the weekend edition out before I head down for the show because there is some winning to do this weekend!

Here's what's up for Grand Prize Friday:

Coast's newsletter is out today with a bonus code.

All Day
106.9 The Wolf - VISA cue to call
106.9 The Wolf - VI Raiders tix
Morning Show

102.3 The Wave - Milner Gardens passes
Afternoon Show

102.3 The Wave - Family pack to Mt Washington

0750 - 91.7 Coast - Rewards Code
1050 - 91.7 Coast - Rewards Code
1200 - 1300 - 106.9 The Wolf Rock Request Lunch for $25 g/c to Smitty's
1200 - 1300 - 102.3 The Wave Retro Lunch for $25 g/c to Ricky's
1250 - 91.7 Coast - Rewards Code
1550 - 91.7 Coast - Rewards Code


Juice's newsletter is out today with a bonus code.
0720 - 89.7 Juice - Nearly Impossible Question 
0720 - 89.7 Juice - Rewards Code 
1020 - 89.7 Juice - Rewards Code 
1220 - 89.7 Juice - Rewards Code
1500 - 1600 - Common Thread 
1620 - 89.7 Juice - Rewards Code
Today is the LAST DAY to get in on the Sprott Shaw Tuition give away on Kool FM's Facebook.
All Day

Morning Show

0530 - 0900 - 103.1 KiSS - Listen for the Morning Quickie (and watch for it on their Facebook Page too) - Patio Party $25 g/c
0530 - 0900 - 98.5 Ocean - BC Trivia for LG4 Smartphone entry & Grand Prize #1 drawn
0530 - 0900 - 107.3 Kool - What's That Sound? - $100 and 2 tix to Akon
0530 - 0900 - 107.3 Kool - Name drawn for Backyard Barn-BQ g/c
0530 - 0900 - 91.3 The Zone -WWE Live row 1 tix & Meet & Greet Drawn

Mid-Day & Afternoon Shows

1000 - 1400 - 107.3 Kool - Extended Coverage Trivia for LG4 Smartphone entry & Grand Prize #1 drawn
1400 - 1800 - 91.3 The Zone - Vince Vaccaro tix 

Evening Show


Daily Schedule

0715 - 100.3 The Q - Sham or Slam for WWE Live Tix (row 1) - Meet & Greet Drawn
0750 - 100.3 The Q - Rock Door - Ed's Nuts & Shamrocks tix
0815 - 100.3 The Q - Polka Monster - Bobble Ed (something else here)
0825 - 98.5 Ocean - Artist of the Day
0840 - 91.3 The Zone - Dylan Vs The World Trivia (mug)
1020 - 98.5 Ocean - Artist of the Day
1200-1300 - 107.3 Kool - On Demand Lunch
1420 - 98.5 Ocean - Artist of the Day
1540 - 100.3 The Q - Monday Men's Night Golf name picked 
1615 - 100.3 The Q - Retro A Go-Go $25 off any service at Pennzoil Easy Lube
1620 - 98.5 Ocean - Artist of the Day
1700 - 107.3 Kool - 5 @ 5 - 4 pack passes to All Fun
1920 - 98.5 Ocean - Artist of the Day

Happy winning!

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Love the comments. Keep 'em clean and polite please - this is a family show.